Students & researchers from all over the world join us to study the little known crested macaques and their natural environment.
Teams comprise Indonesian and non-Indonesian students, thus leading to exchange of skills, knowledge, cultures and exciting friendships

Aside from the continuous collection of macaque demography, reproduction, forest phenology, and climate data for the project on a daily basis, a lot of specific projects have been being carried since the beginning. For example:
- Inter-group competition for sleeping sites and their function in home-range defense, Rismayanti
- The role of emotions in the communication system of wild crested macaques, Juliette Berthier
- Genetic diversity of crested macaques’ populations, Eleonora Neugebauer
- NetFACS, using network science to examine facial expressions, Jérôme Micheletta
- Mating behaviour, parasite infections and hormones in Sulawesi crested macaques, Angela Achorn
Main topics